Is Pear Deck free to use?

Is Pear Deck free to use?

Pear Deck offers both free and paid plans, catering to different user needs and budgets. Here’s a breakdown:

Free Plan:

  • Basics: Create presentations with essential features like multiple-choice questions, open-ended prompts, and drawing activities.
  • Limited: Only allows up to 30 participants per session and 10 presentations per month.
  • Ideal for: Individual teachers starting out, casual users, or quick presentations.

Paid Plans:

  • Standard ($79/year per teacher): Offers all features of the free plan, plus more advanced options like:
    • Timer control for activities
    • Formative assessment tools
    • Collaboration features like collaborative drawing boards
    • Increased participants per session (up to 200)
    • Unlimited presentations per month
  • Premium ($129/year per teacher): Includes all features of the Standard plan, plus:
    • Interactive video integration
    • Gamification elements like points and leaderboards
    • More detailed analytics and reporting
    • Priority customer support
  • School & District Plans: Tailored for larger institutions, offering various features and pricing based on specific needs.

Choosing the Right Plan:

  • Individual teachers: For personal use or small classes, the free plan might suffice. For more features and larger sessions, consider upgrading.
  • Schools and districts: Explore School & District plans for more extensive management and features across multiple users.

Additional Notes:

  • You can start with the free plan and upgrade anytime.
  • Some features within presentations might require a paid plan even if accessed through the free app.
  • Always check Pear Deck’s website for the latest pricing and plan details.

No matter your budget, Pear Deck offers a way to enhance presentations and engage your audience. Choose the plan that best suits your needs and experiment to see how it can transform your learning or communication experience!

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